The Olave Baden-Powell Society 40:40 Challenge logo design
The Olave Baden-Powell Society (OB-PS) exists to directly support, through generosity and philanthropy, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), enabling "girls and young women to develop their full potential as responsible citizens of the world". In 2024, the OB-PS is challenging its members to grow their global organisation by forty new members in its ruby anniversary year.
The logo is composed of forty interconnected circles radiating out from the World Badge, the international emblem of WAGGGS, a symbol worn by Guides and Scouts across the whole world. As members connect with their networks and reach out, the movement grows – not just in number, but strength and friendship. The logo comes in five layouts and four languages (Arabic, English, Spanish and French), the official languages of WAGGGS.
Year: 2023